Saturday, March 28, 2009

More on Baptism

When one comes for Baptism, why do most Churches vote on whether or not to Baptize them? Where did this come from? Is it scriptural? The Church holds the authority, but must the ordinances of the Great Commission be voted on? If so, why not vote on winning souls, or partaking the Lords Supper?


Pastor Leroy said...

The idea of voting on Baptisms comes from Acts 10:47. It is not a vote on can we baptize,but rather a vote on is their anything that hinders them from being baptized.

Matt Spencer said...

Does Acts 10:47 give us a right, ability or necessity to vote whether or not to Baptize? It sounds more to me like when you put it in context that Peter was amazed at what had taken place, and is common for all to do, he asked a rhetorical question. Remember there was not a Church gathered together at Cornielius' house. It almost seems as if Peter had went there alone.(v.23,v.25,v.29) I can also think of multiple times where they Baptized without any question, vote or anything else; ie.Phillip & the Eunich, Paul & the Jailer,Pentecost. The verse you mentioned is the same one I have always heard to defend the practice, but I am not so sure that it does.

llamarf said...

I am not going to try to interprate scripture here.The only thing I am going to say is that I have never seen a church vote on wether to baptise someone.I know this dose not clear any thing up.

llamarf said...

Ok Elders,hypothectically what would keep a canidate from being baptized?

Pastor Leroy said...

I am not saying I agree with the policy, I am just stating where the policy originates from. I agree that it is not a clear defense of the practice.

As to what would keep someone from being baptized. According to 1 Cor 12:13 we are baptized into the body. As we know the use of the word body is a reference to the church. Our church has the policy of not baptizing anyone that is living in open sin that would lead to church discipline.

Matt Spencer said...

I believe upon closer examination of the referenced verse 1 Cor. 12:13 you will find that it is speaking of the Baptism of salvation that John the Baptist spoke of in Mt 3:11-12. The prerequsite for Baptism is always and only salvation. I find nowhere in scripture where one was refused Baptism so long as they would openly confess Christ as saviour. The order goes like this, salvation, baptism, Church membership. Baptism does not identify us with a Church, but rather with Christ, and as a child of God we should properly unite with a Church.

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